Welcome to the Israeli estuarine
research group.
This website describes and documents the ongoing
monitoring program and scientific research in the Israeli micro-estuaries and the adjacent shore.

Estuaries are a unique habitat where seawater mixes with fresh water, thus creating a constantly changing ecosystem in terms of salinity and temperature, which in turn, affect many other environmental variables. The Israeli estuarine research center of the Israeli faculty of Marine Sciences at the Ruppin Academic Center is monitoring the Israeli estuaries starting with the Alexander estuary and the marine and coastal environments near its outfall Since 2014. In 2021 the monitoring plan was expanded to most of the Israeli coastal streams.
Our aim is to help policy makers to better manage the micro-estuaries through the understanding of their ecological, biological, geochemical and physical characteristics, and its effect on the sea and the interactions within and between these complex ecosystems.
Data on this website are freely available for education, research, and public advocacy. When using the data, please cite:

The study of the estuaries is carried out in collaboration with and funded by the Jewish National Fund

Additional partners and funders